Empowering Domestic Violence
and Sexual Assault Survivors
Emergency Hotline 919-497-5444
Level-Up Relationship Knowledge
Safe Space uses an evidenced-based program that encourages the development of comprehensive prevention strategies using a public health approach. This includes a range of activities to address the intersecting factors that impact sexual violence.
This approach is most likely to prevent sexual violence across a lifetime than any single intervention and is also more likely to benefit the largest number of people and reduce sexual violence and other forms of violence.
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Principles of Relationship Health
*Preventing first-time occurrence of sexual violence
*Reducing risk factors and enhancing protective factors linked to sexual violence perpetration and victimization
*Implementing comprehensive strategies that address individual, relationship, and community societal factors
*Analyzing state and community data, such as healthy and safety data, to inform program decisions and monitor trends
*Evaluating prevention efforts and using the results to improve future program plans
*Implements school-based primary prevention programs that educate youth on healthy boundaries
*Training students from middle school to college to intervene when they see someone engaging in unhealthy behaviors
*Working with communities to implement social norms approaches to promote safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments
*Strengthening the ability of states and communities to plan, implement, and evaluate their sexual violence prevention efforts